Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2007
Avian aerial surveys were conducted in the Colville Delta in 2007 in support of the Alpine Satellite Development Project (ASDP) for ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc., and Anadarko... -
USDOT Alpine Pipelines Spectacled Eider Survey, June 2011
The U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Pipeline Safety (USDOT), has designated much of the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska that is currently occupied by oil and gas... -
Steller's Eider Survey Near Barrow, Alaska, June, 2008
The Alaska breeding population of Steller’s Eider (Polysticta stelleri) was classified as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in June 1997 (USFWS 2002). Recent records... -
Colville River Delta Spring Breakup 2010 Hydrologic Assessment
Annual monitoring provides a basis of record used to evaluate the effect of breakup flooding events on existing facilities and infrastructure. Data is also used for analysis and... -
General Watersheds of Fish Creek Vicinity
General watersheds derived from IFSAR for Fish, Judy and Ublutuoch watersheds. -
NOAA USGS Coastal Lidar proposed data collect flight lines
These are proposed flight lines for North Slope coastal lidar collection. -
Mammal Surveys in the Greater Kuparuk Area, Northern Alaska, 2012
The focus of this study was the distribution, abundance, and calf production of Central Arctic Herd (CAH) caribou between the Colville and Kuparuk rivers in northern Alaska from... -
Fall 2012 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring On The Colville River
In 2012, ABR worked with key fishery stakeholders in Nuiqsut, Alaska, to continue long-term monitoring of the Colville River subsistence fishery, which is conducted each fall... -
Fall 2009 Subsistence Fishery Monitoring On The Colville River
The Colville River fall harvest of arctic cisco (Coregonus autumnalis), or qaaktaq in Iñupiaq, is one of the most important subsistence events annually for residents of Nuiqsut.... -
Results of Snow Goose Surveys and a Pilot Study to Band Snow Geese near Pt. L...
Increasing numbers of Snow Geese in northern Alaska are fairly recent phenomena (see Ritchie et al. 2000, Ritchie et al. 2008). Colonies have been known to occur on a number of... -
Greater Moose's Tooth 1 Alpine Satellite Project 2009 Spring Breakup Hydrolog...
This report presents observations and findings of the 2009 Greater Moose’s Tooth 1 (GMT1) Alpine Satellite Project Spring Breakup and Hydrologic Assessment conducted by Michael... -
Feasibility Study For Estimating Broad Whitefish Production in Tapped Lakes O...
Study of Broad Whitefish and ARctic cisco. Broad Whitefish is considered the most important subsistence species that feeds within the delta. The Objective of this study is to... -
Avian Studies in the Kuparuk Oilfield, 2007
From 1985–1999, ABR, Inc., conducted avian studies for ARCO Alaska, Inc., in the Kuparuk Oilfield on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska. In 2000–2007, we continued this work... -
Spectacled Eiderr Survey along The USDOT Alpine Pipeline, Alaska, June 2008
The U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Pipeline Safety (USDOT), has designated much of the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska that is currently occupied by oil and gas... -
Eider Surveys At CD-5, GMT-1, and Fiord West In The Northeast NPRA, Alaska, 2009
Aerial and ground surveys for eiders were conducted in the northeast National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska (NE NPRA) in 2009 to gather information on eiders in support of permit... -
Caribou Monitoring Study For The Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2011
Discoveries of additional oil reserves on the Colville River delta and in the northeastern National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska (NPRA) in the 1990s led to a proposal by... -
Avian Studies in the Kuparuk Oilfield, 2008
From 1988–1999, ABR, Inc., conducted avian studies for ARCO Alaska, Inc., in the Kuparuk Oilfield on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska. In 2000–2008, we continued this work... -
Mammal Surveys in the Greater Kuparuk Area, 2008
The focus of this study was the distribution, abundance, and calf production of Central Arctic Herd (CAH) caribou between the Colville and Kuparuk rivers in northern Alaska... -
Spectacled Eider Survey along The USDOT Alpine Pipeline, Alaska, June 2009
The main objectives of the Spectacled Eider survey along the USDOT pipeline between Alpine (CD-1) and CPF-2 were to • monitor the distribution and abundance of Spectacled Eiders... -
Colville River Delta Lakes Recharge Monitoring and Analysis
The State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) Office of Habitat Management and Permitting (OHMP) oversees fish habitat permitting in the Colville River Delta. The...