High Use Cutthroat Trout Waters

This dataset contains high-use cutthroat trout waters within Southeast Alaska. These high-use waters are defined as areas with either developed access (road or trail from road), a USFS recreational cabin, and/or intensive fisheries, i.e., "high-use". Twenty-one lakes and six drainages including the Juneau roadside waters are classified into this category across Southeast Alaska. This more restrictive minimum size limit of 14 inches was intended to protect all female cutthroat trout from harvest until they have the opportunity to spawn at least one time. The maximum size limit is 22 inches to avoid potential harvest of steelhead. The use of bait is prohibited in these lakes year-round. The bag limit is 2 cutthroat per day and 2 in possession. Managment regulations for other species (i.e., steelhead) may not be captured in the delineation of these areas and can be identified through established annual regulations by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game-Sport Fish Division available online at the following link: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=fishregulations.se_sportfish

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Maintainer Kathy Smikrud
Last Updated 17 de decembro de 2019, 10:29 (AKST)
Created 17 de decembro de 2019, 10:29 (AKST)
Estado Complete