Tongass National Forest, Riparian Management Areas (RMA), 2013
This feature class contains polygons which depict Riparian Management Areas on the Tongass National Forest. The script is in T:\FS\Reference\GeoTool\r10_tnf\ToolboxDelineation... -
Small Cutthroat Trout Lakes
This dataset contains small cutthroat trout lakes within Southeast Alaska. These are smaller lakes that do not produce cutthroat trout large enough to reach the 11-inch regional... -
High Use Cutthroat Trout Waters
This dataset contains high-use cutthroat trout waters within Southeast Alaska. These high-use waters are defined as areas with either developed access (road or trail from road),... -
AK Hydro Freshwater Lakes in Southeast Alaska
This dataset is used to depict lakes within Southeast Alaska. -
Cook Inlet Basin Study Unit – Lakes
nawqa_lakes is a polygon coverage of lakes greater than 20 acres that are located in the Cook Inlet National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) study unit. The Cook Inlet Basin is... -
Chugach National Forest GIS – Lake Shore Polygons
Lakes for the entire Chugach National Forest digitized from 1"/mile Primary Base Series (PBS) maps. Work was done under contract to the USFS Geometronics Service Center in Salt... -
Kenai Peninsula Borough – Habitat Protection Areas - Managed Lakes
Anadramous water habitat protection areas within the Kenai Peninsula Borough, as described in Chapter 21.18 of the Borough Code of Ordinances. Data available from the Kenai... -
Kenai Peninsula Borough – Water
Graphical depiction of water bodies within the Kenai Peninsula Borough. Not all lakes are named, but those that are have been attributed. Data available from the Kenai Peninsula... -
Observing a Catastrophic Thermokarst Lake Drainage in Northern Alaska
The formation and drainage of thermokarst lakes have reshaped ice-rich permafrost lowlands in the Arctic throughout the Holocene. North of Teshekpuk Lake, on the Arctic Coastal...